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  • Writer's pictureLCE - Media and Accidents

Road safety in the media

Car accidents are among the 10 top killers of human beings. In Portugal, in 2017, there were 34 416 traffic accidents with victims. With such a high number of incidents and injuries, media started to spread a message of road safety. TV campaigns, radio commercials and even songs were made to reduce the number of accidents and deaths.

Every year, there are lots of campaigns to advice people to pay attention to the road. For instance, D.A.M.A, a Portuguese trio, produced a song called "O Maior” ( “The Best” ); the song was a suggestion from the Automóvel Club the Portugal (“Car Club of Portugal”). It states that we should think about our lives first rather than act cool to our friends and end up dying while doing so. " Your life worths more than cars and drunkenness"- it sums up the message and brings awareness to the target audience, in this case: the young adults.

In Portugal, one of the main supporters of this publicity is the ANSR-Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária (National Road Safety Authority) - that institutionally supports private companies and brands that spread this kind of message. For example, in 2018, Brisa - an operator of transport infrastructures in Portugal - launched the campaign "Offline in driving, online in life". It aims to raise awareness among drivers and all those involved in the roads traffic of the danger of using a mobile phone while driving.

Throughout the years, there are more and more advertisements on TV to inform people about road safety - the social feeling about this kind of tragedy is also growing. The Media are keeping up with this growth - each year they remind their audiences of how to be safe in the roads and also how they should prevent catastrophic accidents to happen.

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